Designing Your Tattoo


Click on a cell to change its color. Click and drag to draw.


Hold shift ⇧ while clicking or dragging the mouse.

selecting a preset

Click on the grid or choose a preset to get started. Click on any of the presets at any time to choose a new preset.


GitHub may cut out the tattoo on on the leftmost and rightmost columns.

Frequently Asked Questions

is my tattoo permanent?

No. Over time, your tattoo will move to the left.

how do i remove my tattoo?

To permanently remove your tattoo, leave the Git-Tattooers organization in your organization settings. Please note that you cannot rejoin unless you purchase a new tattoo.

how do i refresh my tattoo?

You can permanently remove the old tattoo by leaving the Git-Tattooers organization in your organization settings. Then, you can repurchase a fresh tattoo at any time.

i don't see my tattoo

Be sure to accept the email invitation to the Git-Tattooers organization. Check your email spam folders. It may take up to 24 hours for a tattoo to appear after accepting the invite.

can i make my tattoo repo private?

No. At this time, we do not support fully private tattoos.

what is the cost?

Each tattoo is $5.

Get Tattooed

payment complete

Within 15 minutes we'll email with an invitation to join the Git-Tattooers organization. You must accept this invitation for the tattoo to show.


github information

Enter your Github username and the email associated with that account. We need this information to apply your tattoo.


payment information


Git Tattoo


Custom, removable, tattoos for your GitHub profile. Pick from the presets, or draw directly on the grid! Tattoos cost $5.